Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hello from St. Petersburg, Russia!

We are here in St. Petersburg and I just went to buy some vodka, surprise, and almost got in to it with the proprietor. She wanted to charge me 2 rubles for a bag to put the vodka in. She was RUDE. Well, that's less than 2 cents...ah, I guess I gave her the two rubles..Didn't want to get thrown in the gulag!

St. Petesburg is very beautiful and very clean. One thing we noted...remember the Beatles in Back in the USSR where the Urikraine girls really knock me out? The women here, at least the young ones, are very very good looking. Thin, long legs,  mostly long blond hair. What's interesting is that there are so many weddings in the middle of the week. Lots of white dresses, limos and tuxs. But it seems that as the Russian women get older, babuskas all.

The food is not good. I mean really not good. We've seen some terrific palaces and Vin and I can understand why thy Russian revolution happened. These palaces are multiple and over the top.

Right now it's cool, 50 ish and sparse rain. Tomorrow we're leaving and I will not be able to write again until Moscow. Hope all is well! Miss you guys but we're havinga great time. One last thing, we've met three couples from Texas but no one from GA. So we Texans are holding down the fort. BYE!

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