I can not tolerate trying to be a nice person by holding open a door for someone and they just march right through as if you were the doorman. I often say, "Your welcome" to let them know how rude they are. And that means you, lady, at Nordstrom's on Saturday...
You want to turn left at a light where there is a left turn lane. But you can't get in the lane because the people going straight have two car lengths in front of them. Move up!
The young people of today are not being taught manners. I had a young man, who saw me entering the building, walk in front of me, and then let the door slam in my face. Up yours kid...
When you are at a checkout counter being helped and the clerk then answers the phone and spends time helping that person or takes a personal call and begins to do their nails. I can see George Costanza slapping his hand on the counter and screaming, "Customer service here, customer service here!"
People who don't put their shoes away leaving multiple pairs of shoes, sneakers, and flip flops around (submitted by my spouse) Sorry, dear. I'll make a concerted effort...
Drivers, while stopped behind another car at a light or stop sign, slowly creep creep creep to within inches of the car in front. I got hit by a guy doing this. (submitted by me about my spouse) After much back seat driving, he still does this...
Constant calls by political parties for donations. I'll donate when I'm ready thank you. I love that feature with some phones, TV packages that show the number of the caller on the TV screen. Don't even have to bother to look at the phone...
Press one for English, dos por espanol...Pretty soon it's going to be press uno por espanol and two for English...
Customer service people who try to placate your anger by saying "I understand ", when they really are trying to calm you down because they know they work for a sh*t company!
People who truncate your name. Why? Tiger Woods always does it. Strik for Stricker etc. The most notable President Bush calling whatshisname with FEMA, Brownie.
People who chew gum and snap it AND have their mouth open. We can hear you! And see those crowns and those filled teeth and possibly dentures. Yuck!
People who realize at the last minute they want to exit and cross two lanes on a busy freeway to do so. Get off at the next exit you jerk!
Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Enough said. John Boehner's perpetual tan. Mitch McConnell's no eyebrows. Sarah Palin's "You betcha".

But what's really p*ssing me off is that nothing, nothing has changed in Washington DC. And here's a poll, and there are many others, that report the same..The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 27% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-four percent (44%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -17 (see trends). Just 37% of voters believe their own representative in Congress deserves to be re-elected. Thirty-nine percent disagree. Just 27% say their own representative is the best person for the job. Overall, 62% say it would be better for the country if most incumbents are defeated in November. Sixty-five percent (65%) of voters are angry at the policies of the federal government.
I am not alone folks. I am not alone...
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