I was just in New York City during the 10th anniversary of 9/11. For the remembrance of the day, two huge light columns blazed into the night sky to replicate the twin towers. In Let the Great World Spin,

The story begins with the brothers Corrigan, fresh from Ireland. Corrie belongs to a religious order and lives among the detritus of the projects to minister to the prostitutes and the homeless. His brother, Ciaran, is aimless and tends bar. Then we have Claire and Gloria. Claire, a wealthy, white 5th avenuer whose husband is a judge. Gloria, a well educated twice divorced black woman who has made some bad choices and ends up in the projects. What brings them together is love , loss and then grief. The love of their son/3 sons and the loss of and the grief for their son/3 sons in the Vietnam war. We then meet Tillie Henderson alias Miss Bliss alias Puzzle alias Rosa P. alias Sweetcakes, a prostitute who works under the Major Deegan Expressway
The writing is literary but doesn't beat you over the head with cleverness or elitism. Claire's husband, on the day that he sentences both Tillie and Petit, he says about the job of processing criminals, " he watched the parade come in and out and he wondered how the city had become such a disgusting thing on his watch...It was like surveying the evolution of slime. You stand there long enough and the gutter gets slick, no matter how hard you battle against it." Claire thought that the tightrope walker was up there "with no thought of death." And it angered her. "A stupid endless menu of death...Death by drowning, death by snakebite, death by mortar, death by wooden stake, death by bullet, death by piranha, death by sorrow, death by trip wire...but death by tightrope? Death by performance?" She felt he made life cheap. He made her own son's "so cheap".
In the end, the ends are all tied up. Not nicely but messily, like life. "It has never occurred to me before, " one character says, "but everything in New York is built upon another thing, nothing is entirely by itself, each thing as strange as the last but connected." McCann creates some very memorable characters that you truly come to care about and he creates a New York of the 1970's that you can feel palpitate.
Final word: An exceptional novel
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