I finally took the plunge and am now a .com-er. Satisfying My Curiosity has moved to www.satisfyingmycuriosity.com. You'll still get the great articles you are used to (book reviews, music reviews, travel articles, cultural commentary, etc) but you will also get snippets about things that have piqued my curiosity throughout the week. So bookmark the page, become a follower, pin an article, share on Face Book, tweet the link, like on Google + and comment. I hope you will find the new format pleasing to the eye. And I hope that when you read the content it will enlighten you, challenge you, surprise you, make you laugh or, perhaps, all of these things.
Satisfying My Curiosity's staff of one
Loving your pictures and the authentic and original way you have put your story across - you're an inspiration and I am following your journey - awesome work!